Plain Screw Woodworking Vices
Plain Screw Woodworking Vices for a variety of woodworking applications. High quality cast iron vices with a plain screw mechanism capable with a of achieving up to 1900 Kgf specifically designed for wood working applications. Available in 7" and 9" jaw widths.
- Body and sliding jaw are manufactured from high quality grey cast iron.
- Main screw and tommy bar are made from high quality steel.
- Plain screw mechanism works through a seperate unbreakable nut housed beneath the body seating
- Precision machined grey cast iron body and front to ensure a smooth, parallel action
- Up to 1900 Kgf of force is achieveable and are ideal for holding large pieces of wood for cutting and gluing
- Strong and durable with excellent shock adsorbing properties
- Tommy bar will bend before the vice becomes over stressed
- Plain screw mechanism ensures the constant alignment of the vice
- Fitted with an adjustable stop (dog) that gives an additional clamping facility when used as a bench stop